
2015-07-10 | Ó¢Óï д×Ö°å Сѧ


1.This (is) Zhang Peng , our new classmate. ÕâÊÇÕÅÅó£¬ÎÒÃǵÄÐÂͬѧ¡£

2¡¢---We (have) a new classroom. ÎÒÃÇÓÐÒ»¸öеĽÌÊÒ¡£ ---Really? Let¡¯s go and have a look. ÕæµÄ£¿ÈÃÎÒÃÇÈ¥¿´Ò»¿´¡£

3.It¡¯s so big. ËûÕæ´óѽ¡£ it¡¯s = it (is)

4.This£¨is£©my new desk. ÕâÊÇÎÒµÄеÄ×À×Ó¡£

5.---Where¡¯s my seat? ÎÒµÄ×ùλÔÚÄÄÀ ---It¡¯s near the door. ËüÔÚÃŵĸ½½ü¡£

¡¡¡¡near ÔÚ¡­¡­¸½½ü on ÔÚ¡­¡­ÉÏ in ÔÚ¡­¡­ÀïÃæ under ÔÚ¡­¡­ÏÂÃæ

6.---Let¡¯s clean the classroom. ÈÃÎÒÃÇÀ´´òɨ½ÌÊÒ¡£ ---Good idea.ºÃÖ÷Òâ¡£

¡¡¡¡---Let¡¯s clean the desks and chairs.ÎÒÃÇÀ´²Á×À×ÓºÍÒÎ×Ó ---All right. ºÃµÄ

7.---Look at the picture. ¿´Õâ·ùͼƬ ---It¡¯s nice. ËüºÜºÃ¡£ ÔÚ¹úÍ⣬µ±±ðÈËÄö«Î÷¸øÄ㿴ʱ£¬Ò»¶¨Òª±íʾÔÞÃÀ£¬ËùÒÔÓÃIt¡¯s nice.

8.Let me clean the window. ÈÃÎÒÀ´²Á´°×Ó¡£

¡¡¡¡Let me clean the board. ÈÃÎÒÀ´²Áд×Ö°å¡£

9.---How many (books) do you have? ÄãÓжàÉÙ±¾Ê飿 ---I have 23. ÎÒÓÐ23±¾¡£

¡¡¡¡How many£º¶àÉÙ£¨Ñ¯ÎÊÎïÆ·¡¢ÈËÎïµÄÊýÁ¿£©£¬ÒªÓÃÊý×ֻشð¡£

10.---What colour is it? ËüÊÇʲôÑÕÉ«µÄ£¿ ---It¡¯s black and white.ËüÊǺڰ×Ïà¼äµÄ¡£

¡¡¡¡black ºÚÉ« white°×É« pink·ÛºìÉ« red ºìÉ« orange ½ÛÉ« purple ×ÏÉ« yellow»ÆÉ«

¡¡¡¡blue À¶É« greenÂÌÉ« brown×ØÉ«

11.I have many books. ÎÒÓÐÐí¶àÊé¡£

12.An English book, a story-book. Ò»±¾Ó¢ÓïÊ飬һ±¾¹ÊÊÂÊé¡£

13.---May I have a look? ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ¿´Ò»¿´Â𣿠---Sure. Here you£¨are£©. µ±È»¡£¸øÄã¡£

14.---How many books (can) you see? Äã¿ÉÒÔ¿´µ½¶àÉÙ±¾Êé¡£ ---23.

15.My schoolbag is heavy. ÎÒµÄÊé°üºÜÖØ¡£

16.What£¨is£©in it? ÀïÃæÓÐʲô£¿

17.My friend (is) strong. He (has) short hair. ÎÒµÄÅóÓѺÜǿ׳¡£ËûÓжÌÍ··¢¡£ ÕûÌåÍâò°üÀ¨£ºthin, strong, quiet, short, tall. ¾Ö²¿Íâò°üÀ¨£ºhair, long hair, short hair, eyes, ear

18.(A) Chinese friend. Ò»¸öÖйúÅóÓÑ¡£

19.He£¨has£©short black hair and big eyes. ËûÓкÚÉ«µÄ¶ÌÍ··¢ºÍ´óÑÛ¾¦¡£

20.---What¡¯s£¨his£©name? ËûµÄÃû×ÖÊÇʲô£¿ --- His name is Zhang Peng. ËûµÄÃû×ÖÊÇÕÅÅó¡£

21.This is his photo. He¡¯s tall. ÕâÊÇËûµÄÕÕƬ¡£ËûºÜ¸ß¡£

22.My friend£¨likes£©painting. ÎÒµÄÅóÓÑϲ»¶»æ»­¡£

23.Boy or girl? Äк¢»¹ÊÇÅ®º¢£¿

24.--Who is she? ËýÊÇË­£¿ ---She is my sister. ËýÊÇÎÒ½ã½ã¡£ ---Who is he? ËûÊÇË­£¿ ---He£¨is£©my friend. ËûÊÇÎÒµÄÅóÓÑ¡£

25.---What (is) her name? ËýµÄÃû×ÖÊÇʲô£¿ ---Her name (is) Amy. ËýµÄÃû×Ö½ÐAmy¡£

26.--Is this your bedroom? ÕâÊÇÄãµÄÎÔÊÒÂð£¿-- Yes, it (is). Êǵģ¬ËüÊÇ/ No, it (isn¡¯t).²»Êǵģ¬Ëü²»ÊÇ¡£ 27. ---Are they on the table? ËüÃÇÔÚ×À×ÓÉÏÂ𣿠---Yes, they (are). Êǵģ¬ËüÃÇÔÚ¡£

¡¡¡¡---Are the near the phone? ËüÃÇÔڵ绰¸½½üÂ𣿠---No, they (aren¡¯t). ûÓУ¬ËüÃDz»ÔÚ¡£

28.---Can I have some noodles, please? ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔҪһЩÃæÌõÂð£¿--- Sure. Here you are.µ±È»¡£¸øÄã¡£

29. What (is) (for) dinner? Íí·¹³Ôʲô£¿

30.Wait and see. µÈ×ÅÇÆ¡£

31.What would you like (for) breakfast/lunch/dinner? ÄãÔç²Í/Îç²Í/Íí²ÍÏë³Ôµãʲô£¿

¡¡¡¡I¡¯d like some rice and soup/fish and vegetables¡£ÎÒÏë³ÔЩÃ×·¹ºÍÌÀ/ÓãºÍÊ߲ˡ£

32¡¢Can I help ? ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ°ïÄãÂ𣿠--- Yes, pass me a plate, please. Êǵģ¬Çë¸øÎÒµÚÒ»¸öÅÌ×Ó¡£

33.---Where are the keys? Ô¿³×ÔÚÄÄÀ ---They£¨are£©in the door. ËüÃÇÔÚÃÅÀï¡£

¡¶ÍâÑаæСѧӢÓïËÄÄ꼶ÉϲáÖصã¾ä×Ó¡·ÕªÒª£ºÓÐÒ»¸öеĽÌÊÒ¡£ ---Really? Let¡¯s go and have a look. ÕæµÄ£¿ÈÃÎÒÃÇÈ¥¿´Ò»¿´¡£ 3. It¡¯s so big. ËûÕæ´óѽ¡£ it¡¯s = it (is) 4. Thisismy new desk. ÕâÊÇÎÒµÄеÄ×À×Ó¡£ 5. ---Where¡¯s m...
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